Service Capabilities


Premier actively participates in the Automated Customs Environment (ACE) program for customs clearance into the United States. Member of C-TPAT and the FAST program.

Premier’s fleet is available to transport bulk liquid products within Canada as well as to & from the United States of America. We cover a wide geographical area in order to best service our customers.

Some of the products transported are: wax , oil, latex, hydro carbon solvents & also a wide variety of finished bulk products.

Premier actively participates in the Automated Customs Environment (ACE) program for customs clearance into the United States.

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    We are also an active member of C-TPAT and the FAST program. All drivers are FAST certified.

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    Premier actively participates in the enrollment of all drivers in the T.W.I.C. program.

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    Application for membership in Toronto East CAER is in process as part of Responsible Care.

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    Total Quality Management (TQM) program is in place for systems and process administration.

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    Kasruth Council Certification

    Kasruth Council certification to Kosher standard is available for certain dedicated food grader Kosher products.